Flexible Transit Operations for Dynamic Mobility

Principal Investigator: Hani Mahmassani, William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair of Transportation

Center Project Number: Y6-02
Award Amount: $95,203

Start Date: November 1, 2012
End Date: July 31, 2013

Project Summary:
Although increasing transit mode share is known to improve congestion, Americans still prefer driving for its relative reliability, comfort and convenience. Despite awareness of sustainability and climate change, transit mode share has seen only slight increases each year as it has adapted poorly to changes in human behavior and activity patterns. This proposal outlines a plan to measure the role of customer satisfaction and schedule flexibility in mode choice and explicitly model behavior in the system design via more open communication between riders and operators. The proposed solution moves toward managing passenger mobility rather than merely a single agency’s role in it by delineating potential demand- and time-varying service concepts.

PI: Hani Mahmassani, William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair of Transportation

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